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When faced with the question, "Why do you write," I had to think for a while on what the answer would be, especially since it had to be 140 characters or less. I decided to keep it short and simple. I write to express the feelings that I can't say aloud.

Writing helps me produce my thoughts when I feel like I can't say the words. Typically, I am a very shy person and sometimes I feel like I'll say the wrong thing in the moment, but with writing, I can get all my thoughts onto paper and double check to make sure it sounds like I want it to. For example, I'd be more confident reading a monologue that I wrote and had time to practice than doing improv. This could be due to the fact that I'm shy, but being able to write something out first gives me more confidence. I like being able to write my feelings and get them onto paper because without that I probably wouldn't have the courage to say some of the things that I feel. Although, sometimes writing is very difficult. I know what I want to say, but I can't seem to figure out how to write it. This problem mostly occurs with my academic writing. When I write with more freedom, that's when I can get my feelings out.

Writing is a great outlet. When you're writing, you don't have to worry about what people think of your piece (unless it's being published, evaluated, graded, etc.). What I mean by this is if you have a lot of feelings bottled up, then you should write them down. Nobody has to see what you wrote, but being able to get your feelings out is a great relief. That's why I love writing. If you can imagine it or feel it, then you can write about it.

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